Situated Knowledge

New York Forest

Society’s Cube

Bubble Alley
2021 Spring / Summer
  1. Collection
  2. Art

Defensive Mechanism
   2019 Bachelor Collection
  1. Collection
  2. Art

2018 Junior Collection 
  1. Collection
  2. Art

In the past few years of my creative journey, my work reflects my life. In each life stage, I contemplated the relationship between the other and me, reflecting the relationship between environment and me, reflecting the relationship between other and environment. In each stage, creating is like driftwood, creating breathing space, and it allowed me to clarify the understanding of life.

New York Forest

Parsons MFA Fashion Design & Society
- Design Studio 2

New York Forest

New York Forset is Xiaomo’s first personal project of Parsons MFA Fashion Design & Society, which focuses on family heritage, personal history, and the connection between his culture and himself. Through interviews with his family member, he was able to reconnect with them and figure out the bond of his habit, desire, and philosophy are highly associated with his background of immigrant and literature.

Using SketchUp for model building then translating into the pattern, I’m trying to emerge the skill set inherited from my father to symbolise how an immigrant is trying to be part of the environment while also keeping their own identity.
