Situated Knowledge

New York Forest

Society’s Cube

Bubble Alley
2021 Spring / Summer
  1. Collection
  2. Art

Defensive Mechanism
   2019 Bachelor Collection
  1. Collection
  2. Art

2018 Junior Collection 
  1. Collection
  2. Art

In the past few years of my creative journey, my work reflects my life. In each life stage, I contemplated the relationship between the other and me, reflecting the relationship between environment and me, reflecting the relationship between other and environment. In each stage, creating is like driftwood, creating breathing space, and it allowed me to clarify the understanding of life.

Situated Knowledge

Parsons MFA Fashion Design & Society
- Thesis Collection

Situated Knowledge

My concept starts from the research of 'Post-Human' and focuses on 'situated knowledge', which means different perspectives would cause different definitions.

The term is used most frequently in perspectives arising from social constructionism, radical feminism, and postmodernism to emphasize their view that absolute, universal knowledge is impossible. 

I started to explore the boundary between human and object, reality and virtuality with the idea. 
